速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Mastering Major Scales

Mastering Major Scales





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Mastering Major Scales(圖1)-速報App

-A Note from the developer

I developed this app because I needed the app, and I know that you will too. I am also trying to teach myself the piano, and it is hard to just read through some exercises and do them every day consistently without a teacher. This app will force you to sit at the piano for only five minutes at a time and provide you with a challenge every time to improve your skills. You will of coarse still have to have the discipline to actually use the app, but doing anything requires discipline and in the end it is well worth it.

The app is still under development. As I said, I am using the app myself, so I will greatly appreciate it if you have any comments or suggestions to improve, change and add to the app to help every user of this application in their piano playing. Here are a few things that are currently in the pipeline and coming as soon as possible:

--The rest of the major scales (This version only includes C, D and E major for now)

--A paid version without ads

--Option to change default values

--Customize color of the keyboard highlighting for each of the major scales.

Mastering Major Scales(圖2)-速報App

--Possibly minor scales as well?

--Modal theory

Please feel free to add to this list, I will try to incorporate as many as possible. If the demand is strong enough, I will quickly hire another person to help with development to improve not only speed but also quality of the product.

-The Goal

This Application-Mastering Major Scales- is developed to help people of all ages, especially those teaching themselves, to learn the piano and internalize the piano. This will improve sight reading and improvisation skills as well.

-How to use it

Put the cellphone in front of you on the piano. A random number is displayed at a fixed interval, and then you play the note on the piano-the idea is to eventually do this without looking at the piano-. This might seem easy at first, but once you up the BPM, this can get tricky very quickly. You can use your own creativity when using this app, with only one hand using one finger, or using the fingers for the fingering technique as is laid out in theory for that particular major scale. You can use two hands- one octave, two or three apart- whatever suits you. There is a timer displayed at the top, try and do this every morning and every evening for the time displayed, and you will quickly see improvement in your playing. But this is not a quick way from complete beginner to immediate concert-pianist, it is just an app to aid self-taught pianists in their learning process. It will still require disciplined and motivated time and work from your side.

Mastering Major Scales(圖3)-速報App

Please leave a comment as well on how this has helped you, and give it a review based on your honest experience. Thank you and good luck with the learning process!

Mastering Major Scales(圖4)-速報App